John Distilleries Ltd

Rumové etikety

Esteem XXX Rum - John Distilleries Ltd (in222)
Esteem XXX Rum

Esteem XXX Rum (in222)

65 x 98 mm (2.5" x 3.8")
High Esteem XXX Rum - John Distilleries Ltd (in227)
High Esteem XXX Rum

High Esteem XXX Rum (in227)

88 x 137 mm (3.5" x 5.4")
Original Choice Deluxe XXX Rum - John Distilleries Ltd (in223)
Original Choice Deluxe XXX Rum

Original Choice Deluxe XXX Rum (in223)

70 x 73 mm (2.7" x 2.9")
Original Choice Deluxe XXX Rum - John Distilleries Ltd (in224)
Original Choice Deluxe XXX Rum

Original Choice Deluxe XXX Rum (in224)

80 x 101 mm (3.2" x 4")
Original Choice Deluxe XXX Rum - John Distilleries Ltd (in225)
Original Choice Deluxe XXX Rum

Original Choice Deluxe XXX Rum (in225)

85 x 109 mm (3.4" x 4.3")
Columbia XXX Rum - John Distilleries Ltd (in221)
Columbia XXX Rum

Columbia XXX Rum (in221)

63 x 98 mm (2.5" x 3.9")
Grand Columbia Special XXX Rum - John Distilleries Ltd (in226)
Grand Columbia Special XXX Rum

Grand Columbia Special XXX Rum (in226)

89 x 116 mm (3.5" x 4.6")

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in222: Esteen XXX Rum; Blended and Bottled under Government Supervision by the Devicolam Distilleries Ltd., Kusumagiri P.O., Kochi-582030; Regd. off: 9/764, Parakkamugal, Kusumagiri P.O., Kakkanad, Kochi-682030 for John Distilleries Ltd, Bangalore - 39, Regd. off: 17/1, Campbell Road, Austin Town, Bangalore-47; Produce of India; Br. no. 178; For sale in Kerala only; 25° UP, 42.8% V/V; 75° Proof; Alcohol consumption is injurious to health

in227: High Esteen XXX Rum; C.G. Excise Regd. No; Blended and Bottled by John Distilleries Ltd., 53 & 72, Siltara industrial Growth Centre, Phase II, Raipur, Chhattisgarh-493 111; 750 ml (when packed); Produce of India; 25° UP; 42.8% V/V; For sale in Chhattisgarh only; Consumption of liquor is injurious to health

in223: Original Choice Deluxe XXX Rum 7 years Old; Blended and Bottled by John Distilleries Ltd., M-21, Cuncolim Industrial Estate, GOA (For John Distilleries Ltd., Bangalore; 750 ml (when packed); Produce of India; 25° UP; 42.8% V/V, 75° Proof; Not for sale in GOA - for export;

in224: Original Choice Deluxe XXX Rum 7 years Old; Blended and Bottled in the Excise Bonded Warehouse by John Distilleries Ltd., M-21, Cuncolim Industrial Estate, GOA (For John Distilleries Ltd., Bangalore; Not for sale in GOA - for export; 750 ml (when packed); 25° UP; 42.8% V/V, 75° Proof; Distilled, Blended and Bottled in India by John Distilleries Ltd.

in225: Original Choice Deluxe XXX Rum 7 years Old; Blended and Bottled in the Excise Bonded Warehouse by John Distilleries Ltd., 110, Pantharapalya, Mysore Road, Bangalore-39; CCO: Toll Free No. 18004255525, e-mail:; For sale in Karnataka only; 1000 ml (when packed); Produce in India; Drinking is injurious to health; Distilled Blended and Bottled in India by John Distilleries Ltd.

in221: Columbia XXX Rum; Blended and Bottled under Government Supervision by the Devicolam Distilleries Ltd., Kusumagiri P.O., Kochi-582030; Regd. off: 9/764, Parakkamugal, Kusumagiri P.O., Kakkanad, Kochi-682030 for John Distilleries Ltd, M-21, Cuncolim Industrial Estate, Cuncolim, GOA; Regd. off.: 17/1, Campbell Road, Austin Town, Bangalore-47; Produce of India; 375 ml (when packed); For sale in Kerala only; 25° UP, 42.8% V/V; 75° Proof; Alcohol consumption is injurious to health

in226: Grand Columbia Special XXX Rum; Blended and Bottled under Government Supervision by Palakaad Distilleries (P) Ltd, Govindapuram P.O., Palakkad Dist, Kerala-678507 for John Distilleries Ltd, M-21, Cuncolim Industrial Estate, Cuncolim, GOA; Regd. off.: 17/1, Campbell Road, Austin Town, Bangalore-47; Produce of India; 750 ml (when packed); For sale in Kerala only; 25° UP, 42.8% V/V; 75° Proof; Alcohol consumption is injurious to health

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