Arctica Distilling Corporation

Rumové etikety

Governor's Private Reserve Amber Rum - Arctica Distilling Corporation (ca141)
Governor's Private Reserve Amber Rum

Governor’s Private Reserve Amber Rum (ca141)

87 x 122 mm (3.4" x 4.8")
Governor's Private Reserve Dark Rum - Arctica Distilling Corporation (ca140)
Governor's Private Reserve Dark Rum

Governor’s Private Reserve Dark Rum (ca140)

87 x 121 mm (3.4" x 4.8")

Zde jsou plné texty z etiket

ca141: Governor's Private Reserve Amber Rum - Rhum Ambre; A rare blend of fine Canadian and Imported Rums. Un riche melange de rhum Canadien et de rhums Importes; 750 ml; Arctica Distilling Corporation, Vancouver, BC, Canada D9P13K; 40% alc/vol

ca140: Governor's Private Reserve Dark Rum - Rhum Brun; A rare blend of fine Canadian and Imported Rums. Un riche melange de rhum Canadien et de rhums Importes; 750 ml; Arctica Distilling Corporation, Vancouver, BC, Canada D9P13K; 40% alc/vol

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